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Mental Health Self-Love

10 Incredible Ways You Can Heal Yourself Mentally and Emotionally.

When you think of healing you probably think of a scene in Grey’s Anatomy where there’s doctors and all different types of physician running around, or therapy with someone sitting at the edge of their chair taking notes and listening keenly, maybe you think of herbs and Chinese healing like chakra and ayurveda. Healing has …


6 Powerful Ways You Can Deeply Practice Self-love Every Day.

We often see so many quotes, posts, and social media platforms talking about self-love and promoting it and you think yeah of course I love myself… But what does self-love really mean? What does it mean to actually love yourself?  It took me a while to really get what the concept behind self-love is, It …

Love and Relationship

10 Clear Signs You Are In A Healthy Relationship.

Every relationship has different rules, boundaries and standards that each individual has whether directly or indirectly came together and decided on.  Every couple is different and has different codes . People’s definitions of a “Healthy relationship” can differ so let’s start off with talking about what is a healthy relationship vs what is unhealthy.  A …

Health and Wellness Mental Health

8 Obvious Signs You Are Mentally And Emotionally Exhausted.

That’s because you can touch and feel your body, you can almost always tell when someone is really sick or when someone’s physical health has deteriorated terribly. Emotional and mental exhaustion is so important yet the signs can easily slip through the cracks until it is often too late, you can’t see or touch it …

Love and Relationship

10 Signs You And Your Partner Are Compatible.

When you hear people talk about compatibility in a relationship they often say “We fit together like a puzzle”, how much in common they have, or how well they get along. But that’s not just what compatibility is about, I mean these are definitely contributing factors and they are important too.  Compatibility is one of …


8 Ways You Can Drastically Improve Your Self-Worth.

As we get older and older, the issue of self-worth and how important it is will keep popping up, whether it’s in your relationships, friendships, or career. There is a lot of comparison with self-worth and self-esteem and confidence but there’s so much more depth to it than that. What is self-worth? Merriam-Webster dictionary describes self-worth as: …

Health and Wellness Mental Health

8 Bad Habits That Are Secretly Making Your Mental Health Worse

Stress, depression, and anxiety are among the most talked-about terms over the last decade. There is a significant rise in mental health issues worldwide over this period. What could be the potential reasons?  We often talk enough about what we should do to calm our anxious minds. But rarely do we discuss what should not be done …